San Fernando, Cádiz, España, 1971.

Miguel Pablo and Manuel Pedro Rosado lives and works in Sevilla. The twins are known as MP & MP Rosado. They graduated with a Fine Arts from the University of Seville and the School of Fine Arts, Athens. Pursuing a doctorate in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, they followed to become professors at the University.

Since the mid-90s, MP & MP Rosado have developed works based on the constituent mechanisms of individual speech of various subjects and their environment. Their paradoxical condition as twins has allowed them to explore the notions of duality and alter ego,  construction of the individual and collective self. ´Like a huge mirror in which we recognize ourselves´.

The concept of the duality is constantly occurs in their works, simulating ambiguity of duplication, reflection and repetition. Other pieces explore themes surrounding the relationship between form and surface language, meaning, emotion and subjective choice.

They were granted Leonardo Scholarship for Researchers and Cultural Creators by the BBVA Foundation 2017/2018 for the project “Body of work”; or the Pilar Juncosa & Sotheby’s and Fundació Pilar Joan Miró in Mallorca (2014-2015).

The twin artists have exhibited at the ISCP International Studio & Curatorial Program New York (2007) and  have been awarded V Premio ARCO Comunidad de Madrid (2008) and the IV Premio Iniciartede la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía (2009). Their work is also represented with institutions including the Beca The Pollock-Krasne rFoundation, New York (2002-2003); Beca de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Marcelino Botín de Santander (2008-2009), 7ª Becas Colección CAM de Artes Plásticas, Alicante (2009/2010), as well as VI Premio Iberoamericano Cortes de Cádiz de Creación Artística Contemporánea‘Juan Luis Vasallo’ 2012. The artists have also been present in important exhibitions and international events such as Bienal de Sevilla 2006, Bienal de Sydney 2004, Instituto Cervantes of Beijing,

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Sevilla), DA2 (Salamanca), MOT ART Museum (Tokyo), MUSAC (León),Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires, Museo de arte de Riihimäki (Finlandia), Casal Solleric (Palma de Mallorca). Centro La Panera (Lleida),Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires, Riihimäki Art Museum (Finland) and the CasalSolleric (Palma de Mallorca). Their pieces are integrated in recognized collections as Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Seville); Centre d’Art La Panera (Lleida); Coleccion FIL (Lisboa, Portugal); Deutsche Bank (London); Ellipse Foundation. (Cascais, Portugal); Fundación Coca Cola; Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró (Mallorca); Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Castilla y León); Unión Fenosa (La Coruña); Museo Patio Herreriano (Valladolid); DomusArtium; DA2 (Salamanca); Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Madrid); Colección La Caixa (Barcelona); Fnac – Fond national d’artcontemporain (France); Fundación Marcelino Botín (Santander) and Colección CAM de Arte Contemporáneo (Alicante). Marcelino Botín Foundation. Santander; Nueva Colección Pilar Citoler. Cordova. / Caja de Extremadura Foundation. Plasencia. Cáceres.


CV MP&MP Rosado