Alegría Castillo Roses (Córdoba, 1985) and José Antonio Sánchez Piñero (Chiclana de la Frontera, 1975) both graduated with a Fine Arts from the University of Granada and have been working as an artist couple (Alegría and Piñero) since 2009.
Their creative processes are defined in a circular gaze that perceives multiple perspectives on the same centre (Encicloscopio), giving rise to long-running projects such as “Prueba de Fuego” (2009-2016), a series comprising eleven works that delves into the germinal nature of the static image, bending it to elicit from its larval time which strives to conceal, “Enciclolalia” (2014-2022), a research project that focuses on the phenomenology of speech to reveal what is hidden behind language, subjecting it to exercises that place the voice beyond the throat, the tongue and the lips, and finds it between the hands, the mud and the air.