FRANÇOIS BUCHER Y BERNARDO ORTIZ: “Universo Holograma. El mundo era plano, ahora es redondo y será un holograma”, Museo de la Tertulia (Cali, Colombia).
Universo Holograma. El mundo era plano, ahora es redondo y será un holograma
Museo de la Tertulia (Cali, Colombia)
François Bucher y Bernardo Ortiz participate in ‘Universo Holograma. El mundo era plano, ahora es redondo y será un holograma’, exhibition that begins from the idea of what the “world” is evolving as the consciousness of man does. Our world today is made of three dimensions, which places us firmly in a globe. How does an idea take shape to implant itself in consciousness? In what way does the emergence of a technology (a means of transport, a means of navigation or a means of communication) change the consciousness of a civilization and its relation to space, time or reality?
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