Dénes Farkas: “Some Sort of Silences”. 7th Turku Biennial, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum. Turku

Turku, Finland
Curator: Milla-Kariina Oja
Dénes Farkas participates at Turku Biennial 7 th Edition with his installation Some Sort of Silences. It consists of drawers that seem like ordinary furniture. By examining the contents of the drawers you will find parts of a story whose protagonist is me. The person in question is not the artist himself. Instead, the imagesand texts hidden in the drawers tell a fictional story of an anonymous man. The texts originate from the personal archives of Dénes Farkas, his desk drawers and notebook entries. In the artists hands the scattered notes have gained deeper philosophical, spiritual and linguistic meanings.
Dénes Farkas attends the exhibition as invited by Milla-Kariina Oja