Denver, Estados Unidos 14. 07. 2015 – 29. 08.2015
Madrid, España 17. 07. 2015 – 31. 10. 2015
Basilea, Suiza 11. 15 – 20. 06. 2015 The presentation from Alarcon Criado for VOLTA11, brings together four photographic and sculptural projects, by Spanish, Polish and Latin American artists; Alejanda Laviada (1980, México DF, México), Geometry of Space, 2014, François Bucher (1972 Cali, Colombia),...
Gijón, España 16.03.2015 Behind the Scene, Martin Freire was the project selected in the III Scholarship Production Margaride DKV-Alvarez, It is an installation that includes billboards drills in which, through halogen, phrases and images are, whose interpretation is affected by the interference of various...
España 03.06 – 30.08.2015 Curators: Hydra (Ana Casas Broda, Gabriela González Reyes y Gerardo Montiel Klint) Mexico is a country that has undergone deep social, political and ideological transformations, a changing nation in which photographic production and the circuits of this artistic practice have...
Barcelona, España 4-6. 06. 2015 Alarcón Criado presenta «Severa Vigilancia» de François Bucher en LOOP Barcelona 2015 Severa Vigilancia lleva el nombre de una pieza de teatro, no muy conocida del autor francés Jean Genet. El proyecto surge de una anécdota, algo que...
Madrid, España 20.05.2015 – 14. 09. 2015 From the Connections program linked to the drawing artists are invited to develop a specific work for the museum taking as its starting point two works chosen from the funds of the ABC Collection and the Collection...
Santander, España 27. 03.2015 – 31. 05. 2015 Curator Benjamin Weil Itinerarios es la cita que anualmente presenta los trabajos de los beneficiarios de las Becas de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Botín, funcionando, año tras año, como termómetro del estado actual de las...